Contentment Challenge

I’ve been following Nancy Ray for a while and love her Work + Play podcast. She is one of the few who puts out podcasts where I try to listen to every episode that’s been shared. Her content focuses on both work and play so you will hear content on topics from how to build teams to family holiday traditions.

She shared on podcast Episode 3 about her Contentment Challenge and where stemmed from. I won’t go into all that, but you should definitely check out the podcast if that interests you.

What I plan to share with you is what contentment looks like for me over the next three months. I’ve done a small type of contentment challenge before when a group of friends when we read the book 7 by Jen Hatmaker. That one focused on being content different areas of life (clothing, food, waste, spending). This one will be different as it’s far longer and has a larger focus on contentment and spending. Check out how it works and what it will look like for me below.

How It Works:

  • It’s 90 days of giving up shopping for “stuff” (books, household decor, clothing, gadgets – anything that’s more a want than a need)
  • Prepare ahead of time – purchase anything you will need to purchase ahead of time and prepare to open your heart to the challenge
  • Instead of buying things, you focus your contentment on Him

My Contentment Challenge:

  1. When am I doing it? I started January 1st and plan to go through the end of March.
  2. Did I buy anything to prepare? I bought plane ticket to go to PA in April for a scheduled event. I purchased my planner for the year as well as a few random household things. I really didn’t need to get much in order to prepare because I already have more than enough. (AKA why I’m doing this)
  3. Will I eat out? This is one where it’s up to you to decide what you want to do. For me, I decided that I can eat out if it’s how I’m spending time with my people. I won’t go out to eat on my own or pick up food on the way home. I can either eat what’s at home or get groceries (just needs) if necessary. This means no Starbucks on the way to work people!
  4. What about gifts for others? Giving things to others is totally okay! The contentment I’m working on is for me, and giving things to others is a great way to show gratitude for what I have but also share what I have with others.
  5. What about things I want? I’ve made a spot to list things that I “wish” I had, or that keep popping into my mind during the challenge in my planner. If I still think they’re essential after the 90 days, I will look into purchasing them. But until then they get queued up in a list in the back of my agenda. Currently on the list is – the pens you see in the photo below, a frame for a print I ordered before Christmas, a hair dryer since mine’s on the fritz, a jacket, and sneakers.
  6. What will you fill your time with instead? I’ve listed out things that I can do instead of purchasing things which mostly involves the outdoors or reading or writing.
  7. Is there anything else you plan to do with this? This challenge goes really well with my word of the year – empty. So, I also plan to go through the things I own and give what no longer serves me away. Last weekend I did my bedroom and closet. This coming week will be the kitchen and living room area.

My overall hope is to not only be content in what I have, but to be content in Him. I’ll post updates on here throughout the 90 days so I can share more about what I’m learning and how it’s going!

If you’re interested in hearing more or joining in, you can go to Nancy Ray’s site and download the challenge here. If you just want to know more about contentment or having enough, I would highly recommend the book 7 by Jen Hatmaker that I mentioned above.

If you’ve ever done or are doing a contentment type challenge let me know what it is! How is it going? What are you learning? I love hearing how things like this impact others.

Happy Friday!